Bread Exchange in Berlin on Thursday


Get prepared with an old Gouda and some salty butter because tomorrow I will be baking my Tumeric bread with Apricots and Raisins. The bread will be ready to trade in Mitte/Pberg throughout the day. Let me know if you like to trade with me!

ElmlidBread Exchange in Berlin on Thursday

Boom There It Is!


Boom There It Is! Sorry Sorry Sorry… I have been out of this world. Or, no, I should rather say; Life came in between. Some hard facts: Month 7. Its a boy. Normal size. Special Features: Big ears (good, that way I know it is mine). Strong thighs (his dad is wishing for a Mountainbike partner. I would be just as happy … Read More

ElmlidBoom There It Is!

BOOK Evening in BERLIN


  Berlin, The home of The Bread Exchange since the start in 2008. Many of the trades in Berlin has taken place in the lobby of the Soho House since this is where I often sit and work. When they offered me to host my book event in their cosy Cinema I was thrilled. Thank You ALL for coming to … Read More

ElmlidBOOK Evening in BERLIN

The Bread Exchange Dinner in NYC


    The second stop on The Bread Exchange release tour was NYC. Since the book has a whole chapter dedicated to the great Ladies of NYC I decided that the most appropriate would be to invite all of the ladies to a little dinner. Usually I would have thrown something together with my network but due to the limited … Read More

ElmlidThe Bread Exchange Dinner in NYC

Going to LA!!


The Bread Exchange is heading to LA!! If you happen to be there on November 23rd and want to take part and contribute by exchanging with me – please send a mail to I will for sure bring my black bread and I will once again try to make the pink LA bread I made in 2012! I’d love … Read More

ElmlidGoing to LA!!

Bavaria Holiday


This weekend I decided to take it easy and re-load the batteries after the Swedish release. And, as usual, there is just no better place to relax then in Fischbachau. Me and my boyfriend Alex went to stay with Amely and Christine. We took a short turn to October Fest in Munich, but I had a cold so I took it … Read More

ElmlidBavaria Holiday

Thanks to TEDx Linz


On Friday the 26th I was TEDx talking in Linz, Austria. I was nervous as crazy but  it was great fun. Thanks to Niki, Florian, Claudia, Roland and the whole team behind TEDxLinz for taking such great care of all of us Speakers. And great thank you to all the Speakers for being so supportive – THAT makes ALL the difference! … Read More

ElmlidThanks to TEDx Linz

Last day for ordering the Swedish book!

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Last day for ordering the Swedish book! Wednesday and Thursday are the last days that I can take orders on the Swedish book for now. I can only send them out now when I am in Sweden. So if you want a signed copy of the book, hurry up now. Every book ordered on my blog will come with a limited produced Bread Bag … Read More

ElmlidLast day for ordering the Swedish book!

Behind the book scenes


I think I have mentioned it before, but I never really had the idea to write a book about the Bread Exchange. I did enjoy writing on my blog, and I loved collecting stories through my project, but that was it. When the US publisher Chronicle books approached me in 2012 I was a bit reluctant. I knew their books, … Read More

ElmlidBehind the book scenes

The Hide Away 2014: Monte West Coast, Portugal.


This years tip for a secret hide away: Monte West Coast, Portugal Do you remember 1,5 years ago when I visited a place on crete that topped most places I ever visited? This hotel made such a footprint on my mind  that when Harpers Bazaar 6 month later asked for my favorite place to go I could only answer “Crete”. Obviously, … Read More

ElmlidThe Hide Away 2014: Monte West Coast, Portugal.