The Hide Away 2014: Monte West Coast, Portugal.


This years tip for a secret hide away: Monte West Coast, Portugal

Do you remember 1,5 years ago when I visited a place on crete that topped most places I ever visited? This hotel made such a footprint on my mind  that when Harpers Bazaar 6 month later asked for my favorite place to go I could only answer “Crete”. Obviously, even though I am Swedish, Crete is far away from my  absolutely favorite place to go, but the hotel Metohi Kindelis  def. is.

Now this year me and my boyfriend Alex are visiting Portugal for the second time. The fact that we go somewhere for a second time means that we really really like it. Actually, I can not remember many places that I did return to.

I found Monte West Coast thanks to friends of mine in Lisbon. You know these kind of friends who’s taste you would just trust over everything. Fabia and Rui are such people.  So when Fabia suggested me to visit their Portugese/Swedish friend Catarina at Monte West Coast I knew I had to go.



Hidden somewhere on a dusty dirt road, next to the river that divides Alentejo and Algarve, you will find Monte West Coast. The estate is far away from ready, but that only mean it is time to go there now.  It is incredibly beautiful in its development.

Catarina and her husband  Riccardo started to buy land  in the are 4 years ago. On the land there were a handful of ruins which they started to renovate together with one of Riccardo’s best friends from his childhood in Porto, the architect Pedro Oliveira ( grand son of the Portugese director Manoel de Oliveira).

Pedro has by now renovated 6 old buildings, all with a perfect mix of stylish interior and vintage. The simple, but large, metal windows is something I would dream of being able to use in a Swedish house. All houses are self catering, some of them also have proper kitchens with an oven and since March this year it is possible to come to stay here. Personally I would never go less than 5 nights (we only went 4 nights, but only since that was all that was available).

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Catarina showing us 3 of the latest 7 ruins which has been bought for the estate. The distance between the houses is so far that you would never notice the area growing.




The bathroom in one of the most simple houses for 2 people.


Best moment: Probably the afternoon at the pool overlooking the valley. The warm light is incredible. And, being at a place like this, I have no problem at all being nervous about a book release coming up in 3 weeks!



+351 91 444 37 17,, from €70 a night for a one-room house sleeping two.

ElmlidThe Hide Away 2014: Monte West Coast, Portugal.

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