“How does someone come up with the idea to trade bread and travel the entire world with a sourdough in their suitcase?”

You don’t. Such things just happen.

And when you do get the opportunity you better take it. Because that is what life is all about; so see the opportunities, then catch them and make sure to do something with them.


It took me years to realize the extent of what I was actually doing. That I had started a network of people that, just like myself, value quality and authenticity. In the beginning I thought what I was doing was about bread. But I no longer believe that. The bread was just a perfect door opener.

There is something special about bread that we all understand. Bread has a high poetic value regardless of our culture heritage or what religion or class we belong to. Not many things in our world have such a universal quality.

My bread is a very simple white sourdough bread baked with flour, water and salt; nothing special about that. But my bread is spiced with the inspiration of earlier trades. My bread is a carrier of tales. Because tales, for me, are the most complex and fascinating flavour enhancer there is. And it is this fourth secret ingredient that makes it special; the tales from good people I have met along the journey.

My bread has taken me to Afghanistan. It has opened a door to the European art collector elite in Switzerland. It took me over the Atlantic and invited me into underground farmers markets in California. Diverse to say the least. But most of all it has made me realize the value of the most simple and essential things that surround me. And if I am honest, I think that this is the most valuable lesson that The Bread Exchange project has taught me.

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The Bread Exchange Book will be published Fall 2014 on the following markets and times:

SWEDEN – September 17th
EU – October 1st
U.S.A. – October 7th

Until early September you can pre-order the book here on the blog. To get in touch with your local distributor or to order online in your market you can find a list of retailers here.

Here you can read more about how it all started.





  1. Linda Klintefjord

    Jag är en matnörd med fokus på bakning som bloggar lite på ämnet. Jag hittade just hit och läste om din bok och ditt fantastiska initiativ med “the bread exchange”.
    Jag blev väldigt inspirerad och undrar därför om du tycker att det är okej att jag drar igång någon typ av utmaning fast med bakverk bland mat/bakbloggare med hänvisning till dig och din sida som inspirationskälla?
    Jag önskar dig all lycka med boken!
    Ha en trevlig dag!

  2. Nina

    Jag försöker beställa din fina bok, men jag har lite problem med mitt paypalkonto (har skrivit till dem och bett om hjälp men inte hört tillbaka från dem). Finns det inget annat sätt jag kan betala dig på? Please…pretty please…

  3. Pingback: Eerste ‘Stadt Food Land’ festival van start | Blog Allard van Gent

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