Where to get Mein persönlicher Mutterpass

As you might know from The Bread Exchange book, I like book stores. I like to loose myself alone in them, I like to go there with my son and find treasures together with him. I also like to look at the design, the choice of paper, the colors, the bindings, and all the other thoughts and efforts that the … Read More

ElmlidWhere to get Mein persönlicher Mutterpass

It takes a village. How to get on after #metoo

And what should we do now with the awareness that our friends being sexually harassed? —-> Lets get down to basics. A very easy start for all of us – men as well as women – is to simply oppose when we hear or see inappropriate stuff around us. This goes for EVERY SITUATION (big or small) when someone is not showing … Read More

ElmlidIt takes a village. How to get on after #metoo

Getting back to writing


To get back to writing after giving birth has been a huge challenge. It’s been harder than i thought. To be able to work in short time slots.  I work best when I am glued to the desk and work non stop for 4 days. I am used being able to go somewhere and write non-stop in a new environment. … Read More

ElmlidGetting back to writing

Stil Voll


Last year, when I was pregnant, my friend Marlene was writing a book about Style. She  asked me if I wanted to be interviewed for the pregnancy chapter. Sure, I said, I do have tips! I gave her the interview but I postponed the photography session again and again. I simply seldom felt comfortable being pregnant and when you don’t … Read More

ElmlidStil Voll

To the Dads

I can still not get over that disgusting story about the Stanford rape. I could not fall asleep last night thinking about this. Thinking about how to bring up boys in a way that these things don’t happen. When I just became a mother I read about a rape case in Sweden. I remember thinking “Regardless how much I love … Read More

ElmlidTo the Dads

One Year Ago

One year ago today I had my last day without a baby. I was due end of May but had, due to a risk pregnancy, been given an earlier date for a cesarian (kaiserschnitt). I was not very happy about this as I felt it was too early. I was fighting it still the end. After convincing the doctors I was given … Read More

ElmlidOne Year Ago

My German Hide Away

brunch malin,

In end February 2013 we set the table for the coziest brunch I’ve ever made. We were in the south east corner of Bavaria, close to the Austrian border, at one of the most down to earth place I know: Fischbachau, a village climbing up the mountain. We were at Rösler Haus, a place which has a more relaxing impact … Read More

ElmlidMy German Hide Away

Breaking Bread in München


The Bread Exchange Book is FINALLY out in German! Last week we met up at the Goldene Bar in Munich to talk Bread, fermentation processes, and why sourdough bread does not have to be glutenfree to be good for you. We talked about travels, how I selected the different places for my book, that I find the story about the recipe … Read More

ElmlidBreaking Bread in München

Me for Anthropologie


The US brand Anthropologie contacted me in the beginning of the summer asking me if I wanted to be one of the faces for their Fall campaign. Uff, I thought. I would just be a bit over a month after giving birth. Fresh out of the mom bubble so to say. I was definitely not going be back into my pre-pregnancy size. And most … Read More

ElmlidMe for Anthropologie


Finally Finally Finally! On February 22nd The Bread Exchange book will be released in the German language. I am super excited that the publishing house Prestel will be bringing out the book. Can’t wait to get the book in my hands! ————————– Of course I am a fan of buying books at my local book store. If your local dealer is … Read More