Me for Anthropologie


The US brand Anthropologie contacted me in the beginning of the summer asking me if I wanted to be one of the faces for their Fall campaign.

Uff, I thought. I would just be a bit over a month after giving birth. Fresh out of the mom bubble so to say. I was definitely not going be back into my pre-pregnancy size. And most of all – I had not become friends with my post-pregnancy body yet.

What was they expecting? Did they really know what shooting a mam 6 weeks after giving birth was going to be like?

I gave it a day to think. I have friends that went straight into Personal Trainer sessions and diets after giving birth. But that is not me. I wanted to enjoy this time. I did not want to risk the breast feeding (loosing weight too fast after birth also puts the milk production in danger). And I had far more important things to take care of than the extra kilos I was carrying.

At the same time I really like that they asked me this question. I liked that they did not hesitate when I said that I will probably be 2 sizies bigger than the Malin they’d seen on pictures. No flat belly. Because that is what most women do look like after giving birth – and for quite some time after delivery.

But I did like that they still asked me this question. Because this is how I like to see women in fashion today.

So I said yes.

Here is a little film from the shoot at my place in Berlin in July last year. It is weird but it feels super personal as it was shotso short after Lode was born. And here is the interview with me.

​Women of Character: Malin Elmlid from Anthropologie on Vimeo.


ElmlidMe for Anthropologie

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