Black Forest

From one forest to another I have now landed in the darkest of them all, the Black Forest.

Do not expecting to find masses Lingonberries here, the picture is an illusion. I brought some fresh berries to make a dessert drink, ready to drink for Christmas. I was thinking Limoncello. But with Lingon. A bad joke would be Lingoncello.
That is what I will make.

If you do not like the idea you can also be traditional and make Lingonberry Jam.

5 kg Lingonberries (took about 1 hour in the Swedish woods)
2,5 kg Raw sugar
1 dl water

I just let it cook and then, ta ta Lingonberry jam!

ElmlidBlack Forest

4 Comments on “Black Forest”

  1. biancastella

    We tasted your bread and it was like a taste explosion in the mouth. I will never eat other bread than yours after this experience. Now I’m a believer! and a geniesser….


  2. Elmlid

    Thank you guys. Your words are very convincing ;)
    I hope to have you for breakfast in Berlin soon!

  3. biancastella

    das wurzelchen:

    roggenmehl, weizenschrot, sauerteig, mören, sonnenblumenkerne, sojaschrit, hirse, leinsamen, kürbiskerne, sesam, koriander, salz…

    lite mycket för en bröd typ eller? det smakade jag idag, för att minnas den goda brödet vi at i helgen…tyvärr var det inget jämfört med miss malins surdeg…

    dock gillar jag coriander ideen

    puss puss

  4. Elmlid

    Klingt aber spannend! Koreander ideen är def. bra. Sen är ju alltid morötter toppen. Och linfrön. Jag ska testa! Puss!

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