The First Supper


Depending on where you live in the world a pregnancy can be filled with rules on how to behave.

Especially when it comes to FOOD. I have the feeling that every country has there own regulation on what is dangerous or good for the baby.

Being a foreigner living in Germany I have been confronted with a long list of rules. In Sweden, where I grew up, we believe certain things are important and in Germany there are other things highlighted as no-no’s by doctors and society. Some things are even contradictions. In the first 3 month of the pregnancy I felt that I was going to get crazy. Practically all my favorite things to eat were forbidden.

I am a person that believe that putting too many rules on your eating habit can be bad for your own well being and ability to enjoy eating. My body often tells me what I am lacking – being pregnant or not. My biggest learning has been to simply listen to my own body and being a little bit more cautious with the food quality.

However, during the pregnancy I have been running a wish-list of things that I dream of eating first thing after the baby is born. I kept it among the notes in my phone.  There is a second advantage with this – Food in the hospital is usually really bad – so it is helpful for your loved ones to know how to treat you the best way possible. I have  girlfriends who have been making sure a big plate of Sushi was waiting for them after the birth. Another friend simply wished for a sandwich of liver pate and pickled cucumbers.

This was my list:


ps. This is how I pimped up my hospital food when I had to stay at a clinic for 2 weeks in 2014. It is pretty easy actually! And ask your friends to bring you fresh herbs instead of flowers. That way you can highlight any gross dish put in front of you!

ElmlidThe First Supper

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