Matcha Waffel Recipe


Last week I made a matcha bread with white chocolate. I received many trade requests on this bread so I did not get to really one myself. Therefore I was really happy to get the feedback from Mirjan (image). Mirjan traded a massage for a bread. Thank You!

Last week I also traded with Laura from Tausendsünd. I have already told you about Laura, the magic cake queen that makes one of the few Sweet things that I eat. We met through Bread Exchange since she can’t bake bread – and I can not bake cakes. Since then I bake Bread for her dinners and she makes magic cakes for birthdays for me. As an example, the birthday cake for my BF was a Blackberry cake with sea salted Caramel, Wodka-Tonkabean-buttercream, covered in belgian chocolate with nicaraguan choco nibs. Or the cake for my friend Elins Baby shower was a prezel cake with seasalted caramel. Yes, she takes private orders too.  

prezelcake tonkabeancake

I usually do not ask for a specific trade but last week I did. I asked Laura to share with you a sweet recipe with Matcha. And she shared 2. I will post the other one soon. Enjoy! (in German on the bottom of the post)


550 g spelt flour
730 ml soy milk
Juice of 2 squeezed oranges
100 ml heatable oil (such as coconut oil)
1/2 tsp sea salt
3 tablespoons raw cane sugar
Mark of 2 vanilla beans
1 tablespoon Matcha
3  tsp baking powder

Mix the orange juice with the soymilk and let it stay for a while (like 2 min) until it becomes uneven. Mix the flour, baking powder salt and sugar in a separate bowl. In a 3rd bowl, mix the matcha powder with oil until smooth and there are no chunks. Add the flour mix slowly to the soymilk mix while you stir. Add the matcha/oil mix and stir until the dough is smooth.

The waffles works great with a vegan chocolate syrup
300ml water
300 g of sugar
100 g unsweetened cocoa powder
Mark from 1 vanilla pod
a pinch of tonka bean

Stir all ingredients until smooth and let simmer over a low flame until it turns into a thick syrup.


I asked for honest opinions on my matcha bread. This is the feedback I got:


I agree with Laura. It could have been more Matcha taste. Together with the artisan white chocolate I used a whole package of matcha (30 euro/package- no cheap stuff) for 4 breads so it was a quite heavy baking session.  The matcha bread is for special occasions.


Recipe In German:


550 g Dinkelmehl 630
730 ml Sojamilch
Saft von 2 ausgepressten Orangen
100 ml hocherhitzbares Öl, zB Kokos
1/2 TL Meersalz
3 EL Rohrohrzucker
Mark von 2 Vanilleschoten
1 EL Matchapulver
3 gestrichene TL Reinweinsteinbackpulver

Orangensaft und Sojamilch zusammen giessen und stehen lassen, bis die Sojamilch flockt.
Mehl, Backpulver, Salz und Zucker vermischen.
Das Matchapulver durchsieben und mit dem Öl glatt rühren, bis sich keine Klümpchen mehr bilden.
Mehlmischung in zwei Etappen unter die Sojamilch rühren, dann die Matcha-Öl-Mischung unterrühren
bis der Waffelteig ganz glatt ist.

Dazu passt ein veganer Schokoladensirup aus
300ml Wasser
300 g Zucker
100 g ungesüsstem Kakaopulver
Mark von 1 Vanilleschote
einer Prise Tonkabohne

Alle Zutaten zu einer glatten Masse rühren und auf kleiner Famme einkochen bis ein dicker Sirup entsteht.

ElmlidMatcha Waffel Recipe

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