Bread Exchange in Nürnberg


Mainheim has been kind and let me borrow their oven tonight.

So, if you happen to be in Nürnberg today. Please let me know and I will trade with you my most pure white sourdough bread. The Water is from Frankonia, the flour is from Bavaria (however not Frankonia…) and the Sea salt is French.

Just email me and we set up a trade in Gostenhof, Nürnberg!


ElmlidBread Exchange in Nürnberg

6 Comments on “Bread Exchange in Nürnberg”

  1. Tina

    malin, i was out of town and can’t believe i missed this trading opportunity… :( hoping for another one! cheers, tina

  2. Elmlid

    Hej Tina! No worries, there will be a lot more bread trading in Nürnberg. I don’t think I will make it in May but June for sure. I am baking in Gostenhof, do you happen to be close?

  3. Tina

    ok, good, i will keep my eyes open. i live in nbg. nord, so not too far away. – let me know if you should need another oven, i could probably help you out with that, if you like. cheers, t*

  4. Elmlid

    Tina, We are STILL building the kitchen here in Nürnberg… So no bread this time ether. Oven is ready but there is not way I would clean the dough bowl apart from in the shower so I prefer not to bake here yet… But I will soon!

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