I really like coffee.
But I have reached a point where I have to admit that I can not really call my coffee drinking a procedure of enjoyment anymore. It is rather a simple habit. I am a fairly average Swedish coffee drinker. Which means I drink up to 5 cups of coffee a day. Preferably not the light American kind but the strong Swedish filter coffee style that my ex boyfriend Daniel called “Rävgift” or “Fox poison” when he visited the Swedish countryside for the first time.
Now, I do not really feel as if these 5 cups of very strong coffee is having a real impact on me. I do not have a fast heart beat, nor do I get grumpy without my coffee, and I fall asleep within 2 minutes when I go to bed. I have several times “been off coffee” for a couple of months and I did not really experience signs of “detoxification”.
However, I want that the liquid I choose as my daily fix should have been not only “not harmful” but actually benificial in some kind of way. I am not the right person to talk about all the health benefits there is around green tea (I leave that up to the professionals), but if you find good quality Green Tea I do believe it is a good add on to the diet.
So when I got the offer to learn how to really prepare japanese green tea I thought YES!
Last friday I was invited to the office of the German Tee blog “Grüner Tee” and got a great brief by Dr. Jörg Schweikart. I had skipped my morning coffee and arrived on my bike. I could not really feel any signs of deprivation. I had baked my favorite charcoal bread (thinking that the green tea lovers also must like the idea of sourdough in combination with the cleansing charcoal). I will tell you a bit more about what I learned at a later point but first I will tell you about Matcha.
Because matcha has been the perfect kick off for me into my lesser-coffee-times.
Personally I really like the taste of matcha in the first place. But what I learned is that there is also something really nice about the procedure around it; just like it is with a good cappuccino.
I have over the last days been testing around on a couple of different kinds of Matcha. And I can for sure say that my personal favorite was a Matcha Fukuju from Uji which you can order at sunday.de. Compared to the other ones I have tried it was really full, and rather creamy. If you also beat it with a small matcha broom you will get a lovely foam on the surface (sorry guys, maybe you are way more ahead than I was on these matters. Anyhow, to me this is all totally new…). If you like to spend a little bit less on the matcha I think this one was really good too. I thought the broom was really helpful. Or do you have any tips/tricks for matcha? I am not that into sweet things but maybe you have some green smoothie ideas with matcha? Send them to contact@thebreadexchange.com and I would share them here!
Remember that I baked for the opening of the Aesop store in Berlin last year? I baked a sweet white sourdough bread dressed in green to match the tiles on the walls of the Aesop store. I thought I bake it again for you this week. If you are up for a trade, please comment below or send an email to contact@thebreadexchange.com. It will be made with matcha and white swiss chocolate to compensate for the bitter tones.
Again, let me know if you want it.
If you, like me, are into cultural habits; I hear the swedish coffee consumption has gone down a bit in the last couple of years. Not because we are less into coffee but because we drink it differently.
2 Comments on “Bread Exchange goes Matcha”
Hello Malin,
I would love to try your Matcha bread and can offer you a wonderful Torta di Mele, which is an Italian apple pie with vanilla. It is my favourite cake which I love to make myself for friends. It is actually quite simple but everybody loves its taste and the texture is a mixture of dough and pudding. Just tell me if you have one of your breads left for exchange and tell me when to do our trade. I can come to your place for exchange.
Hi Bernie,
Your Torta di Mele sounds lovely. I have friends from Sweden visiting so it would be great! I could bake a bread for you on thursday if you like?