This is the palette of my Walnut sourdough

Did you know that the walnuts color the dough purple if you add it early enough? I love it.

You can trade it with me on tomorrow if you like.


ElmlidThis is the palette of my Walnut sourdough

10 Comments on “This is the palette of my Walnut sourdough”

  1. Elmlid

    Yes, it is pretty, isn’t it? I still need to bake you one! Let me know when. I am in Berlin all next week!

  2. Andrea

    I hope you show us the purple bread-would like to eat one in moonraker color. And by the way I live in Antwerp so I can give you some tips for military second hand. I like sourdough bread and also tryed to bake it by myself because it is so expensive here but I didn’t succeed-need more experience I think. Nice website you have!

  3. Elmlid

    Ha ha good idea Andrea! I’ve got a moonraker-pallet-sourdough made for you today. I will post it soon :)
    Regarding Antwerp, was supposed to do a pop-up bakery at RA last month but things got to hectic over here. I will for sure be back there soon (been 6 times this year, in love with your city!) Would be super happy for some tips!

    Hanna, well, you better just get on the plane down here and when you do, let me know and I make you a breakfast!

  4. Elmlid

    Girl, you work for IKEA. And I love your blog. We would have tons to talk about.
    Jag känner för övrigt ingången du precis postat på bloggen :)

  5. Hanna

    Jag kan bara hålla med (att vi skulle ha mycket att prata om). Lovar hojta till nästa gång jag är i krokarna så ser vi om vi kan tajma ihop något. Och om du önskar något från Svea trakterna…
    Ingången är fantastisk. Jag har postat ett par bilder från din lya också, den är helt otroligt inspirerande! :)

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