If there is one sovenier I want to take with me home, then it is Fig Marmelade.
Today we are cooking. We have picked 2 kg figs and will cook it with fine chopped ginger, 1 lemon and about 1 kg raw sugar. It is super simple, just cook it until it passes the running test (put a test spoon on a plate and let it cool down).
I cooked it the first night and we have already finished one jar. Really chunky and spicy. Perfect to use as a base for vinaigrette when you make a salad with goat cheese. Or just eat it like that.
5 Comments on “Fikon Marmelad”
sounds so good!
Sounds more than tempting!
amazing idea with a wonderful recipe.
Oh to have a fig tree! You lucky thing.
Well, if you are ever looking for a place to stay at Ibiza I would for sure recommend the house we rented. The garden had everything I could ever dream of!