with a little help from friends

I had been posting for help at my Facebook group for Bread Exchange and everything is made by help from the Bread friends. Thank you soo soo much all of you! Not to forget everyone that posted on the blogs, feeds, facebookprofiles or simply spread the word by mouth, thank you!

Konradin – For bringing me fresh grounded Brandenburg organic flour all week from Schöneberg. No Bread without you!

Alex – For that you, in only 3 days, made the bakery background and put in such a great effort into figuring out what I actually want :)

Adeline – For staying up almost ALL night baking with me before the event. 2 hours of sleep and still keeping that great mood is an impressive task.

Svenja and Celia – For spreading the word and helping me at the Store all day! You are great!

Wood Wood Berlin – Jon, Samir, Max, Laust and Barbara. Thank you for all the support!

Elmlidwith a little help from friends

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