It is finally up and running here on the blog too. Maybe there will be an end on my embarrassing waste of Bread. The last 1,5 years has been full of testing and experimenting with different tastes and bread consistences. I got really deep into it. It became my new way of meditation. Like cooking or Guitar playing was before. But I can simply not keep up with my pace. I can not eat what I produce. I am wasting bread.
I fed my friends. I fed my neighbors*. But it was not enough. And they always say nice things about the bread. I need honest opinions to develop. So I have to turn to the market. Who is more honest then the market? I can’t make a store and I do not need the money. So I decided to start to trade the bread. It is always fun to trade things. You get things you did not expect. And things you could not make yourself. Or just information that you did not have.
So far the bread exchange has taken me to the Philharmonie. It has brought me wine. It has given me nice bags to give away my bread in. And tips for local flour production in Berlin (great exchange I think). And most of all, it has brought me honest critique about the bread.
Maybe I will bring the Bread Exchange to the fashionweeks . Next week I will be Operating in Copenhagen. And I am sure Gerard will help me in Paris during Womens.
The easiest way to join is through this bread exchange group at Facebook. I will let you know when I got something better.
* My 60-70 something old Neighbor got me to the idea. After I gave him the 5th bread he started to burn me CD’s as a thank you. Russian Church music. And pictures from Berlin back in the 20′s. Great trading. Win Win situation.
3 Comments on “the Bread Exchange”
Pingback: miss Elmlid, » Amazing trade
Hello,Malin my english is not so good but I found this is a wonderful idea, my problem is I live in Italy and the way to Berlin is long so I can´t change with you the really good bread, I think it is one of the best. I read your story in the news paper slow emotion. Maybe I came one time to Berlin I hope so for me I wish you a nice time Lissy
Thanks so much for your message Lissy. It’s so encouraging to hear people’s feedback on The Bread Exchange.
Yes! Keep an eye on the blog, our newsletter and our Facebook page for when we’ll be trading next – and if you’re in Berlin at the time, we’d love to organise a trade with you!