Learning from the Master

I got to sleep in this morning and met up with Manfred at 5 am.  It is still really hard to get a long night sleep up here. Even if I am going through  early hours I do not get tired at night. I am used to go to bed around 12 at night but that does not work when you have to get up around 2 or, if you are lucky, at 4. I have invited to a dinner at my home tonight at 6pm. Ingrid thinks it is too late.

We started the Levain early today. I will get back with pictures tomorrow.


ElmlidLearning from the Master

6 Comments on “Learning from the Master”

  1. inca

    Dear Malin,
    Saturday morning, no job, sunshine and clear sky with high sky and a bit cold air. We started the day with 6 km walk. When home again we had two big glasses with latte in the garden together with a new friend of us – the sourdough bread from you. Thanks, we really enjoyd it!

  2. Elmlid

    Sounds like Heaven InCa. I am refreshing up my sourdoughstart today. After 2 weeks of Traveling he is a bit rusty and needs a deeper make over. I think I will be able to bake tomorrow again. I hope you will be having fall days with clear sky allthrough october!

  3. Pingback: miss Elmlid, » Learning from the master 2

  4. Pingback: miss Elmlid, » the Bread Exchange – Everything is not for sale.

  5. Pingback: Stil in Berlin — Food in Berlin: Malin Elmlid’s Bread Exchange

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