WIn a trip to Mauritius!

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You can win a trip to Mauritius, And The Bread Exchange can become the “Liebling of 2014″!

The Myself Magazine from Conde Nast just published their names for the 2014 competition of the most inspiring people. The Bread Exchange is nominated in the “geniesser” (enjoyment) category. Thank You! The project is  in good company (Guila Enders would be my obvious choice! I would imagine she knows the  real advantages with eating  fermented food).

Please have a look at the stories in the lates Myself Magazine. If you like to put down a vote for The Bread Exchange,  this is the link: Myself Liebling 2014


ElmlidWIn a trip to Mauritius!

3 Comments on “WIn a trip to Mauritius!”

  1. Cécile Mac Gowan

    I think your idea of trading bread is a beautiful one and I am now a fan and will vote for you as the most inspiring Person 2014.
    All the best

  2. Elmlid

    Thank You for your motivating message Cecile! Have great Monday and good luck on winning the trip!

  3. Zollikofer Sybille

    Inspiration – Malin Elmlid
    Du bist für mich schon immer inspirierend gewesen. Seit dem ersten Mal wo wir uns (vermutlich war das Kopenhagen) getroffen haben. Auch wenn ich dich selten sehen kann so ist es doch jedesmal wunderschön. Dich um sich zu haben bedeutet dein Strahlen zu geniessen! Du bist regelrecht eine Geniesserin! Die richtige Rubrik, wobei ich dich auch in modischen Themen inspirierend finde. Ich vote selbstverständlich für dich!
    Go girl go..

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