Der Berliner Stil

Angelika Taschen has, together with Alexa von Heyden, put together a very nice selection of Berlin addresses that are not to be missed when visiting our city.

That they also decided to put The Bread Exchange – even though I don’t even have an address to share – flattered me. On the other hand, I guess the Bread Exchange is a fairly typical Berlin project, still made possible when the hazzel of regulations and money is something you do not want to deal with.

So, Thank You for this! I bought my copy at Voo, Oranienstrasse 24 in Kreuzberg.

You can also get it at the Booklaunch-Party in KaDeWe tonight.  Starts 20.30 tonight. I am unsure about the RSVP rules so please write before. I wish I could have been there too!

Eingang: Passauer Straße, Treppenhaus E

Berlin Stil BerlinerStil_Cover


ElmlidDer Berliner Stil

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