Snow baking

I have been baking for 200 people here in the Swiss Mountains. Pesko, a well worth visiting Department store with an unusual high quality selection of brands had their opening weekend for the Ski Season.


The weekend was cold and I realized that I almost had forgotten how beautiful it can be when the sky is blue and no cars are coloring the snow grey. Stunning.


We served the Bread together with the locally produced Bündner fleisch and a salted raw milk butter from Normandie. I was not aware of the  intense production of the meat. Jörg, the third generation of makers of Bündner Fleisch bei Brügger Parpan is not even using air condition or temperature regulators in his production. The only help he has is the windows and the weather outside. With other words, Similar to the kind of bread I make.

And It makes such a difference in the taste.


To have a proper bread knife is just as important as investing in a good fish knife. Apart from that at least I use the bread knife more often than the fish knife. I used a Knife made out of Cherrywood from the 140 year old German company Windmühlenmesser.

ElmlidSnow baking

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