Bread Exchange in Berlin

Towards the weekend I will bake bread.

Just send a mail to or comment here and I bake a bread for you!


Found this little clip the other day:

Stefanie, I love your idea of how to present your favorite books! And your hands are lovely too. You are not wearing FIRE from Chanel, are you?

ElmlidBread Exchange in Berlin

8 Comments on “Bread Exchange in Berlin”

  1. ina

    do you share your bread recipes? I’s love to bake such a nice white -italian looking- bread myself.

  2. Daniela

    Dear Malin,
    we would love to have another bread, the last one was delicious. I would assume that you have some of the chili oil left from last time, but I made another one with herbs some months ago and would bring you some of that.
    Kind regards

  3. Elmlid

    Hi Daniela, Yes, I do have your Chili oil still. I feel like I use it all the time but it will probably still last forever :)
    How would a friday trade be for you?
    All the best,

  4. Elmlid

    Hi Ina, I make sure to do this one day!
    However, The trick lays in understanding the dough rather than in the recipe itself. It is simply water, flour and salt (but always the best of the three).
    The rest is time and having the feeling when to fold. And reading the signs that says that it is too hot or too cold… Baking sourdough is different from any other baking that I know. And that is what makes it so much fun.

    I will get back on this for sure.

  5. Julia

    Hi Malin!

    I would love to trade bread with you this weekend. Let me know if you have some ressources left and I’ll send you a mail ;)

  6. Elmlid

    Hi Julia,
    I am sorry but this time my capacities are full. But if you are in Berlin, please let me know and I will bake for you when I am back from my holiday!

  7. Liz

    Hi Malin,
    Is ist a Black bread on the picture? That would be a nice try for myself. Did you color it? Or what flour did you use? Thanks for sharing – and always very inspiring to read your blog! Thanks for making baking bread so much fun! At first I was so disappointed there is no bread exchange in cologne – but this way I started baking myself :)

    All the best,

  8. Elmlid

    Hi Liz,
    Yes! It is my charcoal bread. It gives you the illusion that it taste very special. But in reality It does not taste any different from my normal sourdough. Cool huh? And you can make amazing color arrangements when you make a sandwich! I will do a post about it and show you.
    Thank you so much for taking the time a write to me. The Bread Exchange project is so inspiring to me so if the blog can pass that on then I am more than happy!
    All the best,

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