A few weeks ago I got a special request from a new trader at Bread Exchange. Stefanie’s parents where coming to Berlin and I was asked if I could bake for their breakfast. Not just one bread, but 3. The trading offer was amazing. The parents owns a gourmet butcher in south of Germany and they would be trading with their favorites.
They brought Parmesan, French Salami, Parma ham and pate. And I am telling you it was good. So good that I will plan to go to their Dolls Metzgerei, Bürstadt, next time I visit Hessen. Why? Because they made me hooked to truffel salami.
Anyone knows where I can get a hold of Truffelsalami in Berlin? It is the little round ones with a parmesan crust. I found them in Frankfurt yesterday. But it just isn’t working that I travel for Salami.
3 Comments on “Trade: another reason to visit Hessen”
i love the fennel salami from goldhahn & sampson. do they stock truffel salami (or maybe start stocking it when asked nicely)?
Good idea! I will go and talk to Sascha. If we both ask then I am sure they would do it :)
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