If Zürich was a color

I would say it is Antrazit. Not my personal fav. on the gray scale. But if it is used right I am not the one to complain. the Swiss now how to use their gray tones.

In Switzerland you can expect that things are going a bit slower. Evil tongues would say they are a bit slower. I think they just take time. And you can see it in their details. The Swiss people are all about the details. Everything is just more thought through and it makes me happy to walk the street finding new small things in every corner. It never gets boring.

Another stop worth visiting:

Markthalle. A relative newly opened market hall in the arcs of a train bridge. I was really worth a visit. Excellent food. Even better food shopping. Wifi. And I found quinces. 5 kg quinces. So there will be marmalade made for for Christmas my dear friends.

I also bumped into an old Swedish friend that I have not seen in 11 year. We both lived in Berlin in the year 2000 and sang in a choir together (perfect nice clash with the illegal club we were running at night). And there she was again. The world is small and we all have the same taste.

ElmlidIf Zürich was a color

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