Bread exchange – White, Drottningholm and Wermland

Three sorts of Bread are to trade today:

White with a Crispy Crust.
A totally white bread that goes with everything. The bread will still makes you full since it made with highest quality flour and without yeast. Just as good to eat tomorrow. The crust is made with Dinkel.

Drottningholm Rye
Same as Thursday but the royal recipe seem to have been a hit. This time with a darker rye, also fresh ground from Schöneberg (grown in Brandenburg). With whole Dinkel grain.

Wermland Dinkel
This one is new. I picked up the recipe at my week in the north Swedish woods (Höje) in September. I love this one. 100% dinkel, water and salt. Spiced with fennel. I have added a bit of Hagebutte flour that I got at the bakery in Höje as well as some honey that I got at the Bastille farmers market in Paris in January. Do not worry, it will not taste sweet. It is more for the crust.

They will all be just as good on Monday, and the Rye and Dinkel will probably be even better on Sunday then today. So let me know if you want any.

I think I got a bit too much salt in the Wermland Bread. So only  if you like it salty, have unsalted butter/philadelphia athome, it is still good to go.

ElmlidBread exchange – White, Drottningholm and Wermland

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