Kim Chi Passt zu allem.

Last night I went to a great great concert: Efterklang

I was really amazed by the concert actually. Efterklang  was different from any other band I have seen live. They were full of respect for each other on stage and they felt like a group of really good friends. This, in combination of the stunning music and the band members accentuated gestures made it incredible.

Before the concert I joined for  Korean dinner. Very good as always. It reminded me that I need to make kimchi soon again.

Kim Chi goes with almost everything.Perfect combinations are:

  • Eggs (Think Omelet, baked egg, Poached eggs, boiled eggs)
  • Sallad
  • As a side dish to any dish (Think Sushi, grilled meat)
  • In your soup

You buy it at your favourite Korean restaurant. Personally I like Yam Yam at Alte schönhausser str. 6. Your local asian store will probably offer it too but it can be tricky to find it without MSG then :(

KimChi is really good for you. It is full of Vitamine C and lacto bacteria. It is good for your digestion and keeps the blood sugar down. There is no real reason not to eat it very often. Except for that it gives you a terrible breath.

I use very much KimChi. Therefore I will try to make my own. This is now my 2nd attempt. I hope it will not be as salty as the last one.


This is how I do it.

I prepared the Salty china Kohl and I mixed the spices. Then I mixed all of it in a big bowl.  with the spices (already mixed)

  • 1 china Kohl (I had it swimming in salty water for about 10 hours before. Some Koreans told me 24 hours. We will see. This is the tricky part. I used 1/2 dl Salt on 1 l Water)
  • 2 Tbl spoons of Chili flakes
  • 1 Tbl spoon of sugar
  • 1 dl Onion Juice (2 onions and some water in a blender. Filter the smoothie and you will have onion juice)
  • 1 Tbl Spoon of Fresh Ginger (fine)
  • 2 Tbl Spoons of chopped Garlic
  • 1 Table Spoons of Fish sauce (ask for suggestions. The Korean food market on 32nd Street is great)
  • 1 Tbl raw sugar
  • (if you like) add reddish or cucumber too

You could for sure use some more fish sauce if you like but I think this is enough.

Just add everything and put in a jar like on the picture. Let the jar stand in room temperature for a 1-2 days so it starts fermenting. Then keep in the fridge for 5 days and after that it is ready to eat!

You can keep in the fridge for max 4 weeks.

ElmlidKim Chi Passt zu allem.

2 Comments on “Kim Chi Passt zu allem.”

  1. Jenn

    oh nice!!! it is so good to have pretty much every time. :)

    I would like to add one thing that when you make the mix of species, we also add the boiled glutinous rice flour + water. proportion is like, 1/2 cup of glutinous rice flour (or just normal flour) / 4 cups of water. boiled them together and let them get cold. we put it when you make mix of species. it helps that prevent to make too much kimchi water later and keep stay longer possible. also, if you add it, you don’t need to put much sugar in it(still need some though), cause it has natural sugar taste.
    hope it helps!! :D

  2. Elmlid

    Thank you so much Jenn! I will for sure try this next time I make kimchi (I suppose it will be for Christmas, so Eric, now you know what to expect :)
    Where can I get this magic flour? I suppose just the asia market, right?
    By the way, if you are ever in Berlin, please let me know!

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